09 October 2006

Madrid, Spain

Barajas airport (MAD)
The airport is 8 miles (13km) NE of Madrid

Airport maps
Multimap, Google Maps (with satellite photo), Mapquest

The airport bus departs from the Arrivals level of each terminal every 15 minutes day and night, journey time 20 minutes, fare 1 Euro.
The Madrid Metro station is in Terminal 2 (metro map). Trains run daily between 6am and 1.15am, linking to the city and stations connected to the main rail network. Journey time 12 minutes, fare 1 Euro.
There are official taxi stands outside each terminal, and visitors are advised to use these rather than unofficial taxis. Journey time to the city centre is around half an hour. Fare is about 25 Euros. Private car transfers to the city centre or other area destinations (not cheap, but may make sense if you have several people, need help, or have lots of luggage) may be pre-booked online at: Airport Transfer Service, Shuttle Direct, World Airport Transfers
Flying time from London: 2 hours and 20 minutes (775 miles)
Barajas airport web site
Barajas airport on Wikipedia

Madrid and Spain
Country code: +34
Currency: 1 Euro = about 67p in UK currency. Today's exchange rate.
Time: Local time is the same as UK time, winter and summer.
Spain on Wikipedia

Madrid accommodation recommendations (Tripadvisor)
Madrid on Wikipedia
Madrid weather, climate
Madrid pictures on Flickr

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