10 January 2006

Klagenfurt, Austria

Klagenfurt airport (KLU)
The airport is located in the borough of Annabichl, 2 miles (3km) NE of the centre of Klagenfurt
Flying time from London: 2 hours and 20 minutes (750 miles)
Klagenfurt airport web site

Airport maps
Multimap, Google Maps (with satellite photo), Mapquest
The bus stop at Klagenfurt Airport is located directly opposite the arrivals hall. Scheduled bus services operate every 30 minutes between 06.00 and 23.00; take the bus in the direction of Heiligengeistplatz (in the city centre) or Klagenfurt Hauptbahnhof. Ryanair Airport Express also provides bus service to and from the Main railway Station via the city centre.
Services from Klagenfurt Hauptbahnhof main station to Annabichl-Flughafen station operate approximately once an hour. The journey takes 5 minutes.
Taxis Available outside Arrivals.

Klagenfurt airport on Wikipedia

Klagenfurt and Austria
Departure tax: There is a passenger service charge of 60 ATS on departure; not clear if this is in the ticket price or not.
Country code: +43
Currency: Euros. Today's exchange rate.
Time: Austrian time is always one hour ahead of UK time, winter and summer.
Klagenfurt accommodation recommendations (Tripadvisor)
Klagenfurt on Wikipedia
Klagenfurt weather, climate
Klagenfurt pictures: Yahoo Travel, Flickr

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